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Current Members

The following table shows only the current office bearers.


Christine Gracie Chairperson
Shona Maloney Vice-Chairperson
Caroline Porter Secretary
Paula Carlyle Treasurer
Andrea MacDonald & Kirsty Brown Fund-raising co-ordinators

For Parent Council information and updates please visit our website -



Please click here for the updated PC Constitution.


Contacting the Parent Council

The parent council can be contacted in a number of ways.

By email (preferred):


By letter or post:

Marked "For the attention of the Parent Council" and sent or handed in to the school office.

By accessing the Facebook Page:

'Parents and Carers of Crawforddyke Primary and Nursery'.


What is a Parent Council?

The Scottish schools (Parental Involvement act 2006) became law on 14th June 2006. The Act modernises and strengthens the framework for supporting parental involvement in school education. It aims to help schools, education authorities and others to engage parents meaningfully in the education of their children and in the wider school community. It requires Scottish Ministers and education authorities to promote the involvement of parents/carers in children's education at publicly funded schools. It aims to help all parents/carers to be:

  • involved with their child's education and learning
  • welcomed as active participants in the life of the school, and
  • encouraged to express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with the school.

The Act provides a framework for ensuring that parents/carers have the opportunity to express their views and have these taken into account on matters affecting the education of their children, the school's arrangements for promoting parental/carer involvement and other matters or issues of interest to parents/carers. It makes provision for all parents/carers to be members of the Parent Forum at a school, and to have their views represented to the school, education authority and others, through a representative Parent Council for the school.

The Parent Council members are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in line with the Parent Council Constitution. All members of the Parent Forum (all parents/carers with children attending the school or nursery) can be elected to be part of the Parent Council at the AGM if they wish. Notification of the AGM is sent to the Parent Forum in advance of the meeting.


Functions of the Parent Council?

The act sets out the functions of the Parent Council within the following four areas:

  • supporting the school in its work with pupils
  • representing the views of parents
  • promoting contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the community
  • reporting to the Parent Forum.

For further information on the Act, and information on Parent Councils please visit the education section of The Scottish Government website at

Parent Council Newsletters

August 2018 - click here

December 2018 - click here

March 2019 - click here

June 2019 - click here

September 2019 - click here